We are working with CHP and the ICS to provide the ICS with a better understanding of the types of services and activities that are being delivered from the LIFT buildings* in the locality in order to agree a plan that will ensure the buildings are being fully optimised.
The work will be completed by March 2022 and includes a baseline assessment of current space usage covering service descriptions, types and quantum of activity, workforce supporting this activity, booking schedules and space allocation. We will also interview a small number of stakeholders and review documents to assess the CCG and provider Trust’s future service and estates plans to determine options for optimising each building.
The key output from the review will be an Optimisation Report exploring the potential opportunities to better optimise each building. The Report will include a baseline of the current activity in each building including a breakdown of activity, utilisation, workforce, booking schedule and space allocation.
*The buildings included in the review are:
Adelaide Health Centre
Fareham Community Hospital
Oak Park
Rowner Health Centre
Brune Medical Centre
Gosport Medical Centre.